There are a lot of cheesy sayings that encapsulate the concept: “Do or do not, there is no try;” “Just do it;” “You don’t have to be in shape to get started, but you have to get started to get in shape.” The list goes on and on… The point is that there is no time like the present (there’s another one!) to start living a healthy and active lifestyle.
All too often, people are waiting for a better time or scenario to make improvements to their health or change their bad habits. Why? Will there ever truly be an ideal time? Or is it just procrastination rearing its’ ugly head?
The phrase people utter a lot is “gonnabut.” “I’m gonna start working out, but I want to wait until my kids go back to school.” “I’m gonna start eating healthy, but I want to wait until we get back from our summer vacation.” I’m gonna start going to bed earlier, but I’m waiting until the family is into a routine for fall.” This is stinkin’ thinkin’.
Make the change now. Stop waiting for some theoretical ‘ideal situation’ that facilitates improving habits and eliminates friction from the process. It doesn’t exist! Sure, some times and places are better than others for introducing healthy habits or eliminating unhealthy ones, but the reality is that starting now is the best option.
Using the Mighty Oak Athletic analogy of the Health Savings Account, these healthy deposits are not all that different from financial deposits into a retirement account. Yes, some people are lucky and can time the stock market fluctuations to buy low and sell high, but trying to time that is usually an exercise in futility. The smarter play is to invest now and let that money compound and grow over the longest period of time possible. The same goes for the proverbial Health Savings Account. Make deposits early and often.
Be a doer, not a gonnabutt. Doers get out and make things happen. They are not afraid to embrace change and take on new challenges. They refuse to rationalize why tomorrow would be better, and instead take action in the moment. The next time an opportunity arises to embrace a change that will have a positive impact in life, say “I’ll do it!” Not, “I’m gonna, but…”
Carpe diem! Or whatever cheesy saying gets you motivated. Now make that change!