Static stretching is great.
It is good for muscles and tendons, awakens the mind, prepares the body for more intense movement, and helps to get the bodily fluids flowing.
What about putting those stretching movements into motion?
That ability to move freely and easily is mobility!
The stretch kick is a great way to stretch the hamstrings, while simultaneously challenging balance and coordination, and improving mobility.
Use the stretch kick as part of a dynamic warm up, or in between working sets when training legs to keep everything loose.
Start by placing the arm straight out away from the body - about shoulder height.
Next, kick the matching leg up and simultaneously rise up on to the toes of the standing leg.
Kick the leg high and let the toes tap the outstretched hand.
Repeat on the other side.
The stretch kick can be done standing in place, or moving forward to increase the challenge.