This week’s question comes from Mighty Acorn Nicholas.
Nicholas asks, “Should I workout today?”
The answer is no!
First, working out is a haphazard, blurry approach to movement.
Second, throwing in a random day of strength and conditioning is not part of the training program.
Stop mindlessly exercising!
Start making progress.
Progress = success.
Success = happiness.
So how does a Mighty Acorn make progress?
Through training.
Training is systematic.
Training follows a path.
Training requires a plan.
The plan can get monotonous and boring at times.
That is ok!
It is important to stick to the training plan and see it to completion.
After the entire plan is completed, then, and only then, should it be assessed and altered.
Does that mean every training plan is a great plan?
Of course not.
But too often, a program is prematurely abandoned without enough time and evidence to determine if it is truly effective for achieving the desired goal.
Or, training plans get kicked to the curb because something new and interesting catches the trainees attention.
That latest fitness fad or trading tool is cool!
Make a note of it and revisit it later… like when the current training program is completed?
Avoid the temptation to chase the newest, shiniest object.
And reject that gnawing fear of missing out.
Stay the course and finish what is started.
Keep making incremental progress.
Keep having success.
Be happy.
Have a question?
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