Auld Lang Syne.
That song can be a tear jerker.
Something about the end of one year and the beginning of another.
Or maybe it’s being arm-in-arm with friends and family.
Or maybe it’s the champagne.
Either way, when the clock strikes midnight and that song comes on, it brings about a feeling of hope for new beginnings - a fresh start.
And of course, New Year’s resolutions.
These resolutions always sound great on December 31.
Then reality comes crashing down in the form of a harsh hangover and subsequent lack of motivation on January 1.
Resolutions fizzle out fast…there’s always next year!
Maybe the challenge is that the winter days are short, the weather is brutal, and most people are in a rest and rebuild mindset.
Sounds like a recipe for failure.
That does not mean that resolving to make a change is a poor practice, however.
Maybe it is just poor timing.
This year, consider making a Mid Year’s resolution.
June 21 is the longest day of the year.
That means lots of sunshine, warmer temperatures, and an increased level of energy for most people.
It is the perfect time to commit to improving in one area of life - physical or mental, personal or professional, large or small.
Give it a try.
Insanity is often defined as doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result.
Unsuccessful with the New Year’s resolution?
Then stop it!
This year commit to a Mid Year’s resolution and make it a success.
In the words of the parachute pant performer MC Hammer, make this year’s resolution 2 Legit - 2 Legit 2 Quit (yes, that is Jim Belushi in the video!).