This is about the time when many New Year’s resolutions begin to die out. The initial burst of excitement from changing the calendar, slowly begins to melt into the couch with a bag of chips and a Dr. Pepper. Hey, it’s the NFL playoffs!
So what does it take to stick to a resolution? Specifically, what’s does it take to lose weight and keep it off - permanently? Simple. A change in lifestyle.
Many people commit to a change for 6 weeks, see results, then assume that the work is done. This stinkin’ thinkin’ is what leads to the yo-yo effect in weight loss and causes people to get frustrated and give up.
The reality is that most weight loss methods, will work for most people, for about 6 weeks. Then what? People slowly regress back into old habits and the weight creeps back up. Frustrating!
The remedy is to identify the health sins that are causing the weight gain, then make reasonable changes to atone for those health sins, and integrate those changes into a healthy and active lifestyle that will drop the pounds permanently.
The key to this process is making changes that are sustainable. To “never eat bread ever again!” is unreasonable. Who wants to live a life without bread? A better option might be to limit the consumption of breads, grains, and pasta to one serving a day.
Stay strong in the New Year’s resolution for 2022. Do not give up because it is getting challenging. Identify what is making the process difficult to adhere to, correct course, and achieve the goal. Then, keep the new habits as part of a healthy lifestyle moving forward for years to come.