Take a walk. Around the house, around the block, or around the park. Walking is one of the most basic of all human movements. A person’s overall health can often be predicted simply by looking at how freely and easily they are able to walk.
Walking is an activity that should be done throughout the day, everyday, without exception. Humans are built to walk. The current trend is to track steps. This can be a great way to bring awareness to movement, but a walking practice does not need to be that complicated. Just stand up and walk around!
Be consistent, not constant. Walking a little bit everyday will have a larger return on overall health than walking for longer stretches in more sporadic bursts throughout the month.
In addition to the physical benefits of walking, getting up and moving is a great way to clear the mind and give the brain the space it needs to relax and solve complex problems.
Walking in nature also serves to calm the mind and alleviate stress in the brain by eliminating many of the man-made distractions that act as stressors for the head. Leave the phone at home, take out the ear buds, and get immersed in the sights and sounds of the natural world.