How has the Health Savings Account balance been in 2022? Making lots of deposits in the form of fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water, walking daily, and getting to bed consistently at the same time each night?
Or has it been food in boxes and bags, sporadic workout sessions, and late nights spent in front of a screen?
It is time to reconcile the HSA account.
Be honest. If the ledger is solidly in the positive from consistent deposits - great! - then there is a surplus to be drawn against. If the deposits have been random at best, however, now is the time to own up and sacrifice some of those additional withdrawals.
Super Bowl Sunday is this weekend! That means parties with friends and family, chicken wings, chips & dips, carbs deep-fried and smothered with cheese, and plenty of hearty beers and fun cocktails. But not everyone has built up the the HSA account balance enough to make those withdrawals.
Yes, Super Bowl is a time for celebration. And, yes, celebration is an important piece in the Mighty Oak Athletic Circles of Life™. But we all have to earn the right to celebrate. Life cannot be one continuous hedonistic endeavor choked full of every gluttonous pleasure that passes across the table.
Do the work. Make the deposits. Earn the celebration. Then make the withdrawal.
If the work was not as great as it could have been over the past few weeks, that is ok! Attend the celebration and enjoy the time with friends and family. But make the sacrifice - eat the veggie tray and wash it down with water. Is that a bummer? Absolutely! But is serves as good motivation to be mindful of the HSA account ledger in preparation for the next withdrawal. Hey, St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner!
Happy Super Bowl Sunday!