The traditional push up is a time-tested way to build up strength in the chest, shoulders, arms, and core.
Push ups are generally safe for most people, since the movement only requires bodyweight for resistance.
Push ups also have a large range of regressionsand progressions to make the movement less or more challenging.
This week’s strength challenge is a push up progression.
Able to complete 10 strict form push ups with hands and feet on the ground?
Then give this variation a try!
To complete an uneven, unbalanced push up, use a sturdy (fully inflated!) ball.
A medicine ball, basketball, or soccer ball work great.
Start in the push up position, with knees down on the ground.
Place the ball under one hand and the other hand flat on the ground.
Find the proper hand positioning, then lift the knees off the ground under control.
Balance on the feet, hand, and ball.
This might be challenging enough!
Ready to move to the next level?
Lower the chest down to the ground while keeping the ball stable.
Press back up under control and balance at the top.
Complete 5-10 repetitions per side.
Too easy?
Place both hands on a ball!
Still too easy?
Think about joining the circus.🤡