Many people are their healthiest at the end of summer.
Long sunny days lead to more physical activity.
Being active means less time sitting around and eating.
It also means more time in the sunshine soaking up vitamin D.
Then Halloween rolls around.
The days get short.
Temperatures drop.
Activity levels decrease.
Food consumption steadily increases.
The sweets and treats are a temptation at every moment.
The pounds slowly start to make their way onto chins, bellies, and hips.
What starts as a few casual pounds, slowly becomes a trend of weight gain taking place over half of the year.
Welcome to Easter!
Now the reflection in the mirror is a doughy doppelgänger of the svelt summer body that once was staring back.
What to do?
Try another diet trend?
Exercise everyday, 2 hours a day?
Lower self-standards and accept the new, softer body in the mirror?
As often discussed in Mighty Oak Athletic postings, there are a lot of levers that can get pulled to cause change in health, body weight, and body composition.
Here are a few to try this spring.
First, start with inefficient exercise.
What does that mean?
When the body does a task repeatedly, it adapts and gets efficient at completing that task.
Swim 20 laps every morning before work?
Swimming is great for keeping muscles strong and mobile.
Swimming also keeps the heart and lungs functioning well.
But swimming everyday will NOT stimulate fat loss, build new muscle, or improve cardiovascular conditioning above the baseline that has been built after the initial 6-10 weeks of training.
That does not mean swimming is not healthy!
It simply means that the body has adapted and will no longer see the same rapid changes it did when first starting a swimming program.
The body has adapted to the new stressor - swimming - and is now efficient at moving the body through the water while using the minimal amount of energy.
So what’s the solution?
Try something new!
New movements require a new set of motions, muscles, and mindset.
All of this adds up to inefficiency for the body.
That inefficiency leads to a higher caloric burn, new muscles being challenged and developed, and new energy systems getting utilized and improved.
That inefficiency will stimulate muscle growth, cardiovascular improvement, and will torch body fat.
What is a new activity that is readily available and will be inefficient for most people?
Yes, jumping.
That’s it.
Most people simply do not jump much after the age of 20.
Keep it simple.
Start with Jumping Jacks or Star Jumpers - Mighty Oak Athletic has numerous videos on jump variations; check them out for movement ideas!
Feeling good?
Then try jumping up onto something.
Again, keep it simple.
Jump onto a curb or a park bench.
Training indoors?😡
Grab a plyobox, step platform, or a flipping tire.
Now jump up and onto the object.
But wait...there’s more!
The key to successful jumping is...
Land soft, both on the ascent landing, as well as the descent landing.
Use the big shock absorbers in the legs and rumpus to land under control - nothing jarring.
Ready to burn that winter waistline?
Try adding 5 jumps - any variety - in between each set during a workout.
Or do 30 jumps everyday for a month.
A 30 for 30 challenge!
Another fat torching tip is to get some sunshine.☀️
Take that shirt off and let the body soak up the rays.
Just 15 minutes in the warm spring/summer sun will get the body a hearty dose of vitamin D.
Vitamin D has been shown to decrease body fat in multiple studies.
Don’t over do it!
Less is more.
Like most vitamins, the body can only process so much at a time.
Don’t try to make up for a long winter with a 3 hour bake session on the first day of spring.
Instead, get a little over the long haul.
5-10 minutes a day will have better health outcomes than long beach days every other weekend.
Be consistent, not constant.
A common theme at Mighty Oak Athletic!
Ready to torch that body fat?
Get outside, take that top off, and try something new.
Have fun!