The traditional push up is one of the best exercises to build strength in the chest, shoulders, arms, and core.
The push up variations seem to be limitless.
Hands elevated.
Feet elevated.
Hands close.
Feet wide.
One hand.
One foot.
Staggered hands.
Uneven surfaces.
Unstable surfaces.
The list goes on…
Many of those variations, however, are done in a similar position - the plank.
What about taking the pressing portion of the push up and applying it to a more fluid motion?
Meet the Pyramid Push Up.
Pyramid Push Ups start in the plank position, but start by pressing back, forming a triangle with the body by hinging at the hips.
Hold this position for a moment.
Feel the stretch in the upper back as the shoulder blades are drawn away from the spine.
Continue to press back and feel the lower back begin to open up as the tailbone tilts towards the toes.
Begin to straighten the legs and get a deep stretch in the back of the legs from the rump, all the way down to the heel.
Notice the mobility at the ankles.
Is it good or is it difficult to get the heels close to the ground?
From here, it’s time to start the Pyramid Push Up flow.
Reverse the motion with the hips and return to a plank position.
Lower the chest down to the ground under control.
Once the hips, chest, and chin are kissing the ground, drive back up as a plank, and just before the arms lockout, hinge at the hips and drive back into the triangle position at the top.
The Pyramid Push Up will challenge all of the small, stabilizing muscles in the legs, core, back, chest, and arms.
Taking traditionally linear movements and putting them into different planes of motion will challenge the body in new and interesting ways.
It will help identify where there are weaknesses in the chain - maybe its tight calves, weak shoulders, or a flabby core.
Apply this concept to other basic movements like the squat or the pull up.
Try a squat jump with a twist, or moving across monkey bars at a local playground.
Mix it up and build a strong body that will function well in any of life’s motions or movement patterns.
Have fun!